Monday, December 10, 2012

Something about... MAURANE

 Hello Hello Everyone, 

Let me introduce you Maurane... Maurane and her beautiful blue eyes! 
She is the first model I photographed since Im back in France, so it made my day very interesting. Directing in french and photographing in a non-scottish environment, this was kind of new for me. 
I hope you'll like her as much as I do, because it may not be the last time you'll see her here..
Make-up by Aurélie Baffet



  1. I agree with you about her ("it may not be the last time you'll see her here!") And I like your photos, and it may not be the last time were we are working together Pascaline ;) (I hope...!)
    It was a very good job !

  2. I do agree with you too! And I really like my new talented french team!!
