Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Interlude about... THE DETAIL

"Elle me represente le mieux au monde parce que j'aime cette attitude un peu cool et décontractée que j'adore avoir. C'est le petit détail dans une tenue un peu "trop classe" qui va faire la différence."
- Emeline -

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Something about... MATHILDE

Test Shoot with the beautiful Mathilde @ VIP Models

All Romantic... En-joy!

Stylist: Simon Dava
Hair: Caract Hair

Friday, December 14, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Something about... MAURANE

 Hello Hello Everyone, 

Let me introduce you Maurane... Maurane and her beautiful blue eyes! 
She is the first model I photographed since Im back in France, so it made my day very interesting. Directing in french and photographing in a non-scottish environment, this was kind of new for me. 
I hope you'll like her as much as I do, because it may not be the last time you'll see her here..
Make-up by Aurélie Baffet